The Claire Kartagener Maternity Ward
Mugarameno, Chiawa, Zambia
Established December 10, 2016
Following a family trip to Zambia during which we visited Mugarameno, a small village approximately 45 minutes by boat from Lower Zambezi National Park, it was determined that this would be the site of the KAI Foundation’s first project. Mugarameno is the main village in an area known as Chiawa; the clinic there services approximately 20,000 people living in the vicinity and the facilities were incredibly basic. The one room clinic had no running water and very limited electricity (just a small solar powered refrigerator). It was decided that we would build a maternity ward for the community and in November 2015 ground was broken on what would come be known as the Claire Kartagener Maternity Ward.
Old Clinic in Mugarameno
This was the facility servicing Mugarameno and the surrounding communities of 20,000+. It lacked running water & electricity and was used to treat all ailments from malaria to delivering babies.
Taken in March, 2015
This project was doubted by many locals in the community and if successful was expected to take a number of years. However, with funds donated from Kartagener Associates Inc. (KAI) and many private donors consisting of industry partners, family & friends, along with great support from our local management team at Royal Zambezi Lodge the maternity ward was completed and officially opened on December 10, 2016. Henry was present for the ribbon cutting ceremony and to our joy the first baby was delivered at the facility just 2 days later! A beautiful, healthy baby girl that the mother named Claire in honor of the maternity wards namesake…
Baby Claire
Arrived December 12, 2016
What we’ve accomplished:
Sourced the funds to build a fully functional maternity ward. This included digging boreholes to supply clean water for pre & post-natal care; installing solar panels on the roof of the facility to supply solar power to the venue. Since the opening of the maternity ward we have constructed a second building to serve as a residence for a doctor on one side, and dormitory-style housing for volunteers on the other.
Furnished the maternity ward with modern equipment and materials allowing prospective mothers to receive the care and treatment that they deserve. This includes hospital beds, monitors, refrigerators, medication. These items were secured through donations from cooperating universities, private citizens and also through purchase from nearby cities.
Reached an agreement with the Zambian government to have them staff the facility with a full-time doctor to assist our nurse Rosemary if we provide housing. The accommodation was completed in early 2021 and the government will place a doctor once the Covid-19 pandemic is under control.
Funded the facility to cover operational costs and stay stocked with the necessary supplies to cater to the nearly 20,000 people living in the surrounding communities.